ecoartspace presents What Matters Most?

April 15 – 28th, 2010

ecoartspace benefit events and programs

A benefit exhibition for ecoartspace hosted by Exit Art, in the Exit Underground Space at 475 Tenth Ave at 36th St, NYC
275 participating artists will exhibit an original art
work related to the Dot Earth blog entry of their choice addressing What Matters Most?

ecoartspace programs at Exit Art, Weds April 21st, 5 – 9pm

5pm Film screening of Crude: The Real price of Oil by filmmaker Joe Berlinger.

7pm NYC Eco-Artist *Jackie Brookner will read from her recently published book Urban Rain.
She will speak about the philosophical context of Urban Rain, her award winning water filtration public art project in San Jose, California. In addition to their functionality, her works provoke questions about where our bodies begin and end, about defining community, and about what the being of human can mean today.

8pm Buckminster Fuller Institute Executive Director, Elizabeth Thompson will present information about the finalists for the 2010 Buckminster Fuller Challenge Award.

The Buckminster Fuller Challenge was launched in 2007- the world’s only large prize program rewarding integrated, whole-systems approaches solving the world’s sustainability crises. Each year BFI awards a $100,000 cash prize for the development of a “trimtab” solution which best demonstrates the capacity to catalyze systemic change. Elizabeth Thompson will discuss The BFI Challenge and share the work of the 2010 semi-finalists.

ecoartspace benefit party, Weds April 28th from 6 – 9pm

at Exit Art:
$250 SPECIAL PREVIEW SELLING PRICE for any artwork sold at Exit Art from April 15th - 27th
$135 in advance/ $150 day of event for admission INCLUDES
one work of art first come first served
$30 for admission only, can be applied towards purchase of artwork

To purchase tickets in advance online CLICK
To purchase tickets at the event at Exit Art please bring a check to avoid lines.

Musician and author David Rothenberg will perform music created with whales as featured in his recent book, Thousand Mile Song and CD Whale Music.
Special guest DJ/mutant trumpeter Ben Neill will perform from his new CD, Night Science
Party and Art Sale with over 200 artists (see full list at right)

Special thanks to Exit Art for their support. This event is a continuation of our relationship with the
Social-Environmental Aesthetic (SEA) program including our participation in The Drop exhibition in 2006 and EPA in 2008.

Food and wine sponsors include:

Izze Sparkling Juice
Fresh Company Hudson Valley Caterers
Gourmet Garage NYC

Bottino Restaurant

ecoartspace in conjunction with Chashama presents:

Habitat for Artists: Recycling the Studio
217 E. 44th Street, NYC April 11th to April 26th
An exhibition by
artists associated with the HFA project, founded by artist **Simon Draper including a recycled studio. Presentations by Solar One, Chris Kennedy; Institute for Applied Aesthetics, Duvall Osiris James; Urban Go Green. Art works on sale to benefit HFA programs, exhibitions and activities.

ecoartspace in conjunction with Arts World Financial Center presents:

Suzanne and Mathilde Husky

April 14- May 12, World Financial Center Winter Garden, NYC

Created from used clothing, Forest is a landscape, like bonsais, that embodies the beauty and drama of nature on a dwarfed scale. The multimedia practice of Suzanne and Mathilde Husky explore issues of exploitation of natural resources, landscape use, and globalization.

Forest is presented by Arts World Financial Center which is sponsored by American Express, Battery Park City Authority, Bank of America and Brookfield Properties.

*Jackie Brookner is a 2010 Artist Fellowship recipient of the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA). This presentation is co-sponsored by Artists & Audiences Exchange, a NYFA public program, funded with leadership support from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)

** Simon Draper together with Scott Gibson of ecopioneer, Eric Klein of Can Do and Alissa Sears of Christie Communications are BFI Challenge semi-finalists as the Sustainable Disaster Response Project.